Infertility is generally defined as not conceiving a baby even after doing regular intercourse for 12 months without the use of birth control. It may happen that one of the partners is not contributing to conception or it may also happen is not able to carry a pregnancy to the fullest term. According to the medical reports, in the US there are around 10 percent women (15- 24 years of age) who face difficulty in conceiving or having difficulty in staying pregnant. The statistics reach up to 8-12 percent of couples experience difficulty in conceiving and gain the infertility problems. Somewhere in the range of 45 and 50 percent of cases are thought to come from components that influence the man. So, if this happens in your case also then it is highly recommended to seek the help of a reproductive endocrinologist. If you have some of the following scenarios then you must visit an endocrinologist as soon as possible.
Factors of risk- the risk factors that increase the risk include:
Treatment- the treatment for infertility depends upon various factors including age of the person, the tenure of infertility, personal preferences, and the general state of health.
-Intercourse frequency- Doctors advise the couples to increase the frequency of sexual intercourse and mostly at those 6 days of ovulation.
-Varicocele- Removing a varicose vein surgically helps out in the case of infertility.
-Human Chorionic gonadotropin- it is used together with HMG, FSH, and clomiphene which helps in stimulating the follicle to ovulate.
– Metformin- Metformin may help women with PCOS especially when it is linked to insulin resistance in such cases where clomifene is ineffective.
Complications of the treatment- there are some complications which arise due to infertility and its treatments like if conceiving doesn’t occur after many months of regular sexual activity then it may lead to mental stress or possibly a depression. It may also lead to some physical effects.
Coping up with mental stress- the very first thing to know about the treatment is the time duration which means how long the treatment will run and how successful it would be? Both the partners need to support each other emotionally or else it can affect their relationship. Talking to a similar group of people may also help you out but if the stress is beyond the limit then you must consult a doctor who may recommend you a counselor.