Cardiology is a medical science dealing with heart disorders and the other parts of the circulatory system. The diagnosis and treatment of certain conditions like congenital heart defects, coronary artery diseases, failure of heart and several other diseases related to the heart. Doctors who are specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases related to the cardiovascular system.
Symptoms indicating heart problems: if you feel any of these symptoms then you must need to consult a cardiologist without any delay.
• High blood pressure
• Dizziness
• Shortness of breath
• Chest Pain
• Fluctuation in heartbeat rate.
Your cardiologist will ask you to go through several medical tests related to the heart and then depending upon your illness the cardiologist will recommend you for the further treatment. There is a very common proverb “Precaution is better than cure” so it’s always better to avoid such things which may lead problems in your heart. Avoid smoke and reduce the usage of high saturated fats food items, maintain your cholesterol level and regular exercise can help you to prevent the heart disorders. Diabetes is the root cause of heart disorders so people having diabetes problem are at great risk of heart diseases which may occur in 3 ways. Diabetes is as harmful as smoking, hypertension and increased level of cholesterol are the most responsible factors of the heart attack.
Coronary Heart Disease- the diseases occurred due to the raised level of diabetes, plaque gets build up inside the coronary artery which is responsible to transport oxygen-rich blood to the heart but due to the plaque the coronary artery gets blocked and the flow of oxygen-rich blood gets disturbed leading to the formation of blood clotting. Dizziness, vomiting, nausea, shortness of breath and faster heartbeat are some of the symptoms faced by patients if they suffer from any coronary heart disease.
Congestive Heart Failure- it is a condition in which the pumping power of our heart muscles gets affected. In this condition, the area around the heart gets covered by a fluid which makes the pumping inefficient. Our heart consists of 4 chambers i.e. 2 atria and 2 ventricles and CHF is the problem that occurs when the ventricles are unable to pump sufficient blood to the body. Patients having this suffering may feel dizziness, shortness of breath, irregular fluctuation in heartbeats, sweating and weakness.
Cardiac Arrhythmia- A normal heartbeat of a human is 50 to 90 beats per minute but after a heavy exercise and if there is a frequent rise or fall in the heartbeat then the person is at risk of cardiac arrhythmia. However mostly Arrhythmias are not much harmful and inconsequential but some arrhythmias are fatal and life-threatening. Dizziness, fainting, palpitations and cardiac arrest are some of the common symptoms faced in this illness.
Causes of Cardiovascular Disease- The most common cause of the cardiovascular diseases is Atherosclerosis which is caused due to several reasons including problems related due to an unhealthy diet, obesity, smoking and lack of exercise also leads to the building up of plaques in the arteries.
Risk Factors for the development of Heart diseases- there are several factors which increase the risks of diseases related to heart:
• Age- as the person grows up the heart muscles start becoming thickened or weakened which makes the arteries narrowed and damaged.
• Sex- The problem of heart disorders occurs after menopause in women and in men, the risks of heart disorders are much more than women.
• Medical history of the family- if the family holds a history of patients suffering from heart disease then you are also at risk of getting heart diseases. If the family member has got the heart disorder at an early age then there is more chance to get affected.
• Smoking Habit- According to the medical research smokers are more affected by heart disorders than non-smokers as there are harmful products in the smoking items which damages the heart and disrupts its functioning.
• Stress- longtime persistent stress can damage the arteries and leads to the other risk factors related to the heart.
• High Blood Pressure- if your blood pressure is high and is uncontrolled for a long duration then it thickens and hardens the arteries and makes the arteries narrow which allow the blood flow.
Prevention from Heart disorders- there are several ways by which you can prevent yourself from getting affected by the heart disorder like by quitting the smoking habit, maintaining a healthy weight, controlled and balanced diet, practice of good hygiene, by controlling your miserable health conditions like control the cholesterol level, blood pressure level and diabetes level. At last but not the least add exercise in your daily routine and that is also for at least 30 minutes. Exercise plays the key role to keep your body healthy and strong.