Hip Replacement Surgery is recommended as a last stage treatment by a doctor only when no other option is left in providing relief to the patients from the hip disorders including arthritis or intolerable pain of hip joint. The surgery can be done by using any of the 2 approaches out of direct anterior approach and posterior approach which a surgeon decides for the patients according to patient condition. There are many Indian hospitals which have done miracle in the field of Hip Replacement Surgery like Indraprastha Apollo, Narayana Super specialty hospital, Rockland Hospital and some others.
Procedure: Patient gets admitted into the hospital one day prior to surgery and goes through essential investigations. Patient is free to choose any one from epidural or general anaesthesia. It is very important for a patient to share other medical issues with the doctors. In the morning patient needs to take bath and wash his/her legs properly before the surgery. Some medicines can be given to the patient and after the surgery patient is kept in recovery ward for some hours and then gets shifted to ICU. A dressing is done around the hip to collect the come coming out from the operated part.
Recovery Process- Some exercises are recommended to the patient for a speedy recovery including circulation exercise. It may happen that the patient might feel an unbearable pain after the surgery so for that pain relief medicines are given to the patients.
Precautions- There are some leg movements which are generally prohibited for the first 12 weeks of the surgery like moving on the stairs. At last rest is the best remedy of any illness so it is needed by a patient to take rest for some time.
Cost of Hip Replacement Surgery- It costs around $6000 in India and in USA it costs around $30000 and it differs in different countries.
Success Rate of Surgery- More than 90% cases are successful in India and in last few years the data has reached up to 95% and by this Hip replacement has become an effective innovation in medical sector.